
The Law firm covers the following field of specializations:

  • Swiss and international taxation of private clients
  • Relocation to and from Switzerland of private clients, covering tax and legal aspects such as residence permits and permits to acquire immovable property
  • Tax and estate planning in a Swiss and international context with use of planning instruments such as foundations of civil Law and/or common law trusts
  • Estates and marital regimes in a national and international context
  • Swiss foundation Law including philanthropy
  • Trust: tax and legal aspects from a Swiss perspective
  • Representing clients in front of administrative, tax and judicial authorities in Switzerland, in the field of specializations of the Law firm

SGC Avocat
Etude Sibilla G. Cretti
Case Postale 271
CH-2002 Neuchâtel

Tel +41 32 725 12 07
Mob +41 79 895 69 88

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